Tuesday 4 December 2012

DMSO / MSM – Natural Pain Killer

Years ago my husband brought some DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) from the USA. They used to apply this somewhat oily liquid on sprained ankles, pulled muscles, dislocated joints and even at the site of simple fractures – it virtually eliminated their pain after hard training and expedited healing. Just beware that only pure DMSO from a health food source can be used. It has an odd odour, akin to that of garlic, which emanates from the mouth shortly after use, even if use is through the skin. I always knew how much he used by the strength of the odour in his breath! My family and I still use it regularly. DMSO has been used successfully in the treatment of brain and spinal cord damage, arthritis, sciatica (back problem), keloids, acne, burns, cancer, etc. In the bone marrow transplant isolation wards in South Africa, I was amazed at the overwhelming sulfur-like smell of DMSO! Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to get hold of this wonderful cure!
Fortunately there is a derivative of DMSO, which also has remarkable therapeutic properties, especially for the healing of injuries, that is more readily available.  It is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found in plant and animal tissues that is essential for optimum health with NO side-effects like the normal pharmaceutical painkillers and other drugs! MSM (methylsulfonyl-methane or dimethylsulfone available in powder or tablets) nourishes the hair, skin and nails; relieves pain and inflammation; reduces allergy problems; promotes gastrointestinal health; aids immune function and detoxifies the body on a cellular level. Moderate processing, including drying or heating eliminates it from foods such as fish, meat, plants, fruit and milk (many people have milk intolerance, which manifests as phlegm production or blocked nose, and they should NOT consume ANY dairy products). I use MSM every day for more than fifteen years now. My nails are still strong and in good condition. At 55 years of age, I have no arthritis pains. Increase your dose of MSM up to 6-8 grams (or even more in divided doses) daily. Patients with osteoarthritis (avoid all pork products!) showed positive effects in eighty-four days, although benefits could become evident in as few as two to twenty-one days. 

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1 comment:

  1. Its sounds real informative and quite an interesting post to know about the so called DMSO and its therapeutic properties, quite a helpful and relevant post. Liver Cleanse Handbook
